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Abstract submission

We cordially invite you to submit your abstracts for poster and/or oral presentations to the GfV meeting 2025. We are looking forward to receiving your contributions for the scientific programme and and would like to thank you in advance for your support! 

Please submit your contributions until 1 December 2024.

Main topics

Thank you for submitting your results from research and practice on the following main topics (from September):

  • Adaptive immunity
  • Antiviral therapy and resistance
  • Complex model systems and novel tools
  • Diagnostics and clinical virology
  • Entry and egress
  • Epidemiology and public health
  • Infection of the immunocompromised host
  • Innate immunity
  • Pathogenesis and persistence
  • Viral replication strategies
  • Structural virology
  • Systems virology
  • Veterinary virology
  • Viral vectors and vaccines
  • Virus-host interactions
  • Zoonoses and epidemic threads


The abstracts will be published as usual in the digital abstract book, which you will receive online shortly before the conference.